
Studentsofperceptionhavelongknownthatperceptualconstancyisanimportantaspectofourperceptualinteractionwiththeworld.Hereisasimpleexample ...,Subjectiveconstancyorperceptualconstancyistheperceptionofanobjectorqualityasconstanteventhoughoursensationoftheobjectchanges.,Perceptualconstancyistheperceptionofafamiliarobjectasmaintainingaconsistentpropertyregardlessofchangesinsensoryinformationorstimuli...

[PDF] Perceptual Constancy

Students of perception have long known that perceptual constancy is an important aspect of our perceptual interaction with the world. Here is a simple example ...

Subjective constancy

Subjective constancy or perceptual constancy is the perception of an object or quality as constant even though our sensation of the object changes.

Video: Perceptual Constancy

Perceptual constancy is the perception of a familiar object as maintaining a consistent property regardless of changes in sensory information or stimuli. These ...

Perceptual Constancy | Definition, Types & Examples

Perceptual constancy is the ability of an observer to perceive familiar objects as unchanging even when observed from various angles, distances, and/or ...

Perceptual Constancies

Perceptual constancies are the ability of our brain to see the size and shape of objects despite changes in their distance, orientation or lighting.

Perceptual constancy | Definition, Examples, & Facts

Perceptual constancy, the tendency of animals and humans to see familiar objects as having standard shape, size, color, ...

Video: Perceptual Constancy

Perceptual constancy is the ability to recognize that objects remain consistent and unchanged even when their appearance varies due to ...

Perceptual Constancy (Intro Psych Tutorial #56) In this video I describe perceptual constancy, which refers to the idea that we perceive a relatively stable and ...


知覺恆常性(perceptual constancy、Subjective constancy)是指在一定範圍內改變知覺條件的情況下,人們對物體或品質的知覺卻保持恆定的一種心理傾向。